Internet Ping Url - the url to use when trying to determine if the internet is available

Internet Ping Strategy 

  • None - Do not attempt to verify the internet is connected
  • Direct - send a ping to the server defined in Internet Ping URL
  • Web Request - send a web request and listen for a web response to the Internet Ping URL  
    • *Note: this defaults to "http"  https:// can also be explicitly provided in the Internet Ping URL field.    
  • Verify - will immediately send the request and display feedback

Internet Ping Failure

  • Ignore - nothing will be done if internet ping strategy fails
  • Show Status Message - a status message will be displayed under the calendar when the internet is unavailable based on the internet ping strategy method 
  • Show Status Screen - a network error status screen will be displayed when internet is unavailable for more than 10 minutes based on the internet ping strategy method 

EWS Ping Strategy

  • None - the EWS connection is not verified
  • Direct - ping the EWS server URL (as defined in Settings - Account [Domains] for the currently logged in user)
  • Web Request - send a web request and listen for a web response to the EWS server URL
  • Exchange Service - connect to Exchange Web services and attempt to get the appointment summaries for the current day.

EWS Ping Failure: (Similar to Internet Ping Failure)

  • Ignore - nothing will be done if EWS ping strategy fails
  • Show Status Message - a status message will be displayed under the calendar when Exchange is unavailable based on the internet ping strategy method 
  • Show Status Screen - a network error status screen will be displayed when Exchange is unavailable for more than 10 minutes based on the internet ping strategy method 

Debug - a flag to turn additional event logging on for the entire application. This setting will be cleared on a restart of Quicklaunch,