Technical Support may have you do a complete reset of all your Quicklaunch settings to reset your installation, for circumstances where using the "Reset All" button in Quicklaunch is not an option.


1. How to Uninstall Quicklaunch.

2. How to do a Clean Uninstall of Quicklaunch Version 4.

3. How to do a Clean Uninstall of Quicklaunch Version 3 or Version 2.

1. To Uninstall Quicklaunch:

  • Go to the Windows Control Panel.
  • Programs and Features.
  • Uninstall Quicklaunch.

2. If you are a Quicklaunch Version 4 user

Quicklaunch V4 stores all its files in C:\ProgramData\UC Workspace\Quicklaunch - simply remove this folder.

In order to do a clean uninstall:

a). Log into the account where Quicklaunch has been installed.

b).  Export your current settings:

c). Uninstall Quicklaunch from the Windows Control Panel;  "appwiz.cpl"

** If Uninstall fails it is likely that 

  • Quicklaunch was installed under a different account ( log into that account and uninstall )
  • Quicklaunch was installed with higher privileges than you currently have. ( add the account to the local administrators group and uninstall )
  • Finally, if nothing else works Delete %localappdata%/Apps/ folder from all accounts that Quicklaunch was installed from.

d). Delete %programdata%/isolatedstorage

e). Delete %programdata%/UC Workspace\Quicklaunch

3. If you are a Quicklaunch Version 3 or Version 2 user

Quicklaunch version 2.x and higher uses Microsoft Click-to-Run technology, and the settings are in a different location than used with Quicklaunch version 1.x.

Under C:\programdata\isolated storage\    Search for Quicklaunch.* and then remove the folder structure that the QuickLaunchSettings_V2_0 is found under.  In this example; C:\ProgramData\IsolatedStorage\gfzi55jd.zbh

Optional Powershell 

You can open a PowerShell window and run the following code snippet to remove all Quicklaunch settings completely.

Beware that this will remove all settings, including license keys and launch buttons.


$d = "$ENV:ALLUSERSPROFILE\IsolatedStorage"
$x = Get-ChildItem $d -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true -and $_.Name -match "Publisher.r0fqvo551sbk21ac0b1i5x51xcaafwdi"}
if ($x -ne $null) {
    Write-Host "Removing old settings file..."
    Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $x.FullName

If you are a Quicklaunch Version 1 user

Users moving from the older Quicklaunch Version 1.x to Version 2.x (or higher) may need to download the attached BAT (batch) file and run it to properly reset all their settings.

NOTE: Windows SmartScreen may prompt you with a security window protecting your PC. If you click "More Info", you will be permitted to click "Run anyway".