NOTE: This feature is only available in Quicklaunch Ultimate Edition.

This guide shows configuration and usage of the Group Email function in Quicklaunch.


1) Quicklaunch Settings

2) Usage of Group Email

1) Quicklaunch Settings

Quicklaunch can be configured to show or not show the option to send a group email for a meeting. Additionally, what is displayed can be altered by the type of meeting - regular or private.

To enter settings, presss CTRL + ALT + S on the keyboard and navigate to Calendar > General

The option to turn on or off the ability to Send Group Email is located here.

There is also an option to "Allow Zip/Send Meeting Files" - which enables the ability to send files from a specified folder.

Click "Save" when the desired option has been selected.

2) Usage of Group Email

When looking at a meeting on the Quicklaunch main screen, select the tab on the bottom right of the meeting and select Group Email. 

OR for a tabbed monitor, select the three horizontal lines and select Group Email.

A window will appear that allows the user to send an email to those who attended the meeting. Users can add additional people, add attachment, etc.

If "Allow Zip/Send Meeting Files" has been enabled, "Meeting Zip" will be added as an option. This button will zip all files in the directory and add them as an attachment.