The Exchange Debugger is used to help support staff with diagnosing meeting join issues.  If you are asked to run the Exchange Debugger please follow these instructions.

Download the ExchangeDebugger

  1. This program can be run from any computer that is in the same domain as your conference room computer
  2. Download the file  from: 
  3. Unzip the contents into a folder

Configure the ExchangeDebugger

  1. Edit the file ExchangeDebugger.exe.config in notepad and change the "values" to be (do not change the "key"):
    1. ExchangeUrl set the value to be as it is set in Quicklaunch
    2. RoomAccountEmailAddress, set the value to be as it is set in Quicklaunch
    3. RoomAccountPassword, set the value as it is set in Quicklaunch
    4. RoomAccountMailboxAddress  - this is usually the same as the RoomAccountEmailAddress, but in some organizations may be different.
    5. Date.  Set the value to be the specific test date.  If the Quicklaunch support staff does not ask for a specific date, use today's date.
  2. Save the file

Run the ExchangeDebugger

  1. Run the ExchangeDebugger.exe file.  This will dump contents of all meetings to the screen.
  2. Copy the entire screen contents and send to the Quicklaunch support staff in the support ticket

thanks for the help!