Zoom allows users to join meetings anonymously.  The process for setting this up to function as expected through Quicklaunch requires some additional steps which will be provided in this FAQ.

Warnings & Restrictions

This FAQ relies on:

  1. Quicklaunch is installed and configured.
  2. Zoom is installed and configured.
  3. Settings require adjustment for the optimal end user experience using Zoom with Quicklaunch.

If initial setup of Quicklaunch and Zoom has not been completed see the Related FAQ's section for the appropriate FAQ and return here for Zoom Anonymous Join settings.

Quicklaunch Setup

In Quicklaunch open Settings -> Account -> Zoom Tab.

Verify and if required clear any login information that had been previously stored.

The Tab should look similar to what is displayed below:

Go to Settings -> Calendar -> Meetings Tab.

Select in the Zoom Join Choice Dropdown List, "Always Join Anonymously".

Other settings can be selected for the room requirements such as shown below:

Proceed to the Settings -> System -> Reset Room Tab.

Ensure in the Signout Section that the Zoom Checkbox is enabled.

Go to Settings -> System -> Policies Tab.

Ensure the "Restrict Zoom Desktop Client Login" Checkbox is enabled as shown below:

Click the Save Button.

Zoom is now configured for use to continually join meetings anonymously via Quicklaunch.

Related FAQ's

Setup Zoom Account with Quicklaunch
