This feature is available in Quicklaunch version 4.2.778.0 and higher.
Quicklaunch loading screen displays Kramer branded picture and text that can be replaced with a custom image and text.
During startup, Quicklaunch can't read from its configuration file, therefore, all customizations to the loading screen are pulled from a separate configuration file.
This is an example of the configuration file:
{"SplashScreenConfiguration": { "MessagesOverride":["Test Overriden Message "], "ShowKramerLogo":"False", "SplashScreenBackgroundImagePath":"C:\\Users\\User\\Pictures\\Rdwoods.jpg" } } |
Please follow these steps:
- open a text editor (Notepad++)
- copy the config file example from above
- change your MessageOverride text inside the quotes
- show or hide the logo. "ShowKramerLogo" set it to ("False" hides Kramer logo and "True" displays the logo)
- specify the Path to the picture (note the escaped path to file for proper JSON parsing. Path separated with double backslashes inside quotes.)
- name the file Ql-Overrides.config, select "all types" on save
- save the file to C:\ProgramData\UC Workspace\Quicklaunch\Configuration