This FAQ shows how to set up audio with HDMI Share for HDMI Capture devices - such as laptops and TVs.  To ensure your HDMI Capture device can support audio please see our Supported USB HDMI Capture Devices

See Also


  1. Setup your Hardware
  2. Enable Audio for your HDMI Capture Device
  3. Plug in your Laptop or TV and start the video
  4. Troubleshooting

1) Set up your Hardware

  1. Make sure audio is supported for your Capture device.  See Supported USB HDMI Capture Devices
  2. Plug in your HDMI card and also a sound source (a laptop playing a youtube video will work for testing)
  3. From Windows Start enter "Sound", click on Microphone.  
  4. Locate your capture card, and make sure it is enabled.

  1. From Windows Start enter "Privacy", click on Microphone.  
  2. Locate your capture card, right mouse click and select properties
  3. Click on the "Allow apps to access your microphone"

2) Enable Audio in HDMI Share

  1. In Quicklaunch, Go to settings -> HDMI Share -> Devices
  2. From the list of connected devices, select your HDMI Capture device
  3. Set the "Audio Play Mode" to "Start Unmuted"
  4. Turn on your conference room speakers, make sure they are not muted and the volume is up

3) Plug in your Laptop or TV and start the music!

  1. Plug in your laptop or TV HDMI cable to the capture device
  2. On Laptops, check the volume control - it should automatically be connected to the capture device
  3. On TVs, you may have to set the output to the Capture device
  4. Unmute the volume and turn it up
  5. Start the audio application (Youtube, Spotify, iTunes, etc)
  6. NOTE: some applications may require a restart or a refresh to output audio to the capture device

4) Troubleshooting

Problem: when I plug in an HDMI cable from the HDMI capture card into my laptop, I lose my audio

This is because the HDMI capture card is a new audio source and Windows often sets it as the current audio device.  You may need to adjust your audio program if you want to set the audio to another source

Problem: I followed the instructions, but do not hear audio

Check the following:

  1. Video from the laptop is displaying through HDMI share
  2. The laptop audio source is set to the capture card
  3. The laptop volume is up and mute is off
  4. All steps above in "Set up your hardware" are correct

Lastly, on some computers, you may need to do the following:

  1. From Windows Start enter "Sound", click on Microphone.  
  2. Locate your capture card, right mouse click, and select properties
  3. Click on the "Listen" tab and check "Listen to this device"
  4. Click OK.