This FAQ is to show you how to set up HDMI Share and an Action Tile to turn on & off a connected camera.
See Also
- Setup the HDMI Share Screen.
- Setup HDMI Share for your Camera.
- Add an HDMI Share Action tile.
- Using the Action tile to show the Connected Camera.
- Advanced Option: Use the Action tile to show/hide your camera.
1) Setup the HDMI Share Screen
First enable HDMI Share. Go to settings > HDMI Share > General > Enable HDMI Share
Now, you will need to enable the screen you want your camera to be displayed on.
- Select the HDMI Share "Screens" tab.
- Select the screen you would like and check "Is Enabled".
- Set "Default Visibility" to "Show only when device is showing". This will ensure the camera will only display when you click on the action tile.
2) Setup HDMI Share for your Camera
- Select the HDMI Share "devices" tab.
- From the list of connected devices, select your camera.
- To enable your camera to HDMI simply check "Is Enabled" this will enable your camera for use.
- Set default screen to the one you enabled in the previous step.
- Set default visibility to "Use action tile to show the device" - this will ensure the camera will stay hidden until you click on the action tile.
3) Add an HDMI Share Action tile
- To add an Action tile go to settings -> Actions.
- Select the group from the list above.
- Click on the Actions tab.
- Once on this page, select the plus sign to add an action tile.
- When the catalog opens, Search for HDMI.
- Select "HDMI Share 4" and click on "Select".

- Connect the action tile to your camera from the list of devices.
- For your camera, set the visibility to "Show".
- Leave the screen as "NoChange" - this will use the default you defined above.
4) Using the Action tile to show the Connected Camera
- To start your camera click on your Action tile.
- Quicklaunch will go into dock mode, and your camera will be displayed on the defined screen.
- To close the screen, simply select the X icon in the upper right hand corner of the HDMI Share screen.
5) Advanced Option: Use the Action tile to show/hide your camera
If you like you can use the Action tile to both turn on and turn off your camera.
- Go to Settings->Actions and open your HDMI Share camera Action tile.
- Under Visibility, set it to "Toggle".
- Save Settings.
Now you can use your Action tile to both show the camera and also to close the camera.