Version 4.2.787.0 Jun 14, 2024

  • Zoom SDK updated to version 6.0.11 (39999)

Version 4.2.784.0 May 24, 2024

  • Updates to "NoCalendar" Collaborate group Settings. Allow Collaborate Fixed Group to have different numbers of Tiles per row 
  • Updates to "NoCalendar" Tabbed Layout group visibility
  • Exchange connection recovery improvements

Version 4.2.778.0 May 10, 2024

Version 4.2.774.0 April 29, 2024

  • Removed MS Teams “Main” display rule on upgrade and in defaults.
  • Added new Settings to control Zoom Authorization error pop-ups.
  • Added new “Restart Quicklaunch” Action to the Catalog.
  • Added Quicklaunch EOL notice to the License page for Licenses with valid maintenance

Version 4.2.766.0 March 20, 2024

  • Zoom SDK updated to version 5.17.6(31095)
  • HDMI Share enhancements

Version 4.2.760.0 March 13, 2024

  • Ability to hide action groups in Flat Mode
  • Calendar date picker color brushes for previous and future months
  • Tabbed Calendar Item View - Handle long Subject Content
  • Room Reset dialog Title wording update
  • Camera Control Support for Aver 540 camera
  • Disabled verification of email from QL Settings
  • Disabled Trail Licenses fetching from within QL
  • Support for personalized Zoom meeting URLs
  • HDMI Share icon to show on the Taskbar/LDM Shell when minimised

Version 4.2.637.0 November 23, 2023

  • QL Setup Wizard and Settings - Updated Branding and Radio Buttons
  • Removed purchase options from the website and Maintenance website
  • Teams Meet Now Enhancement - Provide QR Code sign-in/UCW Secure Browser and provide ability to specify meet now type (Chat, Audio, Video)
  • QLT template Export enhancements
  • Action Groups - Ability to hide action groups in Flat Mode
  • Added Link in settings and version information for customers in Zoom account page
  • Camera Control widget - support for the Yealink UVC40 camera
  • Camera Control widget - support for "Poly Studio Video" USB Camera
  • Camera Control widget - Support for Poly Studio X30
  • Google Meet - Enhanced Google Meet Parsing in Meeting Invites
  • All Day meeting - Upgrade Tabbed item border not set correctly
  • Support for the NEW Teams desktop client - Meet Now Action

Version 4.2.596.0 November 1, 2023

  • Room Reset Desktop items. Ability to delete desktop items for all users.
  • EDU edition. Walk up screen updates.
  • Support for the NEW Teams desktop client from Calendar
  • Disabled System Check-in Exchange option when account type is Google

UCW installer change:

  • Automatic Updates - Allow update values in UCW Installer

Version 4.2.551.0 September 26, 2023

  • Enhancements to the Quicklaunch's virtual keyboard
  • Enhancements to the Quicklaunch's pre-join functionalities for Zoom
  • Screen Sketch Action Tile was updated to Snipping Tool by MS
  • Updated default ScreenSaver Meeting Details text color

Version 4.2.469.0 August 3, 2023

  • Updated wording of the Zoom services and MS Teams meeting join options
  • Education edition. Added Zoom services sign step in to the setup wizard
  • Split the system policy Force Ephemeral Browser Profiles by Browser (Chrome/Edge Chromium)

Version 4.2.452.0 July 24, 2023

  • Enhancements for the Camera Control Widget - Kramer K-Cam 4K - PTZ controls
  • Display Rules - support for MS Teams desktop client meetings with empty subjects
  • Enhancements for the mobile authenticator apps (iOS and Android)
  • Updates to values for margins of the room name in calendar view (Flat Layout)
  • Added settings for the Walkup Screen toaster messages
  • Added Display Rules for Zoom "Join as Host or Participant" screen
  • Updated Zoom SDK services build

Version 4.2.399.0 June 14, 2023

  • Added Display Rules for the Zoom meetings pre join window
  • Enhancements to the UC Central software updates from the Portal

Version 4.2.390.0 June 8, 2023

  • Updates to the Calendar current time slot focus
  • Updated Webex Icons (Calendar and Actions Catalog)
  • Webex Calendar join - suppress the prompt to choose the client on meeting join in the web browser (WebEx Meeting Pro Meeting only)

Version 4.2.346.0 May 16, 2023

  • updated Zoom SDK to version
  • * Beta testing. Updates to the Account Lock Mode options (added the Walk up screen)
  • updates to the UCW Secure Browser Settings option import for MS Teams
  • updates to the Zoom meeting join cursor redirect not being respected

Version April 4, 2023

  • Enhancements to the Change User extend meeting functionality
  • Quicklaunch UI performance enhancements
  • Reduced Room Reset time
  • Improvements to the Zoom meeting join in the 
  • Added ability to read the MS Teams meeting hyperlinks from the Location filed

Version March 9, 2023

  • Room Reset force close the UCW Secure browser window in the pre-join state
  • Ensure Teams desktop client (when enabled) is running when joining a Teams Calendar meeting
  • Added custom image import for UCW Secure Browser windows (Teams/Zoom/Office 365/ME Whiteboard)
  • Discontinuing support for MS Teams Anonymous Join
  • Screen Saver - Set bubbles to off on upgrade and Default to off
  • Updates to Calendar to select current time slot
  • Updates to the UC Central Message Queue service to create more logging details

Version February 2, 2023

  • Windows 11. Hide Windows search icon from the Lock Down Manager Shell
  • Improved loading time of the Action Catalog
  • Zoom meeting join Anonymously in the desktop client. Improved check for the executable locations. 

Version January 23, 2023

  • Updated the Zoom SDK client version to build 5.13.1
  • Zoom SDK client is displaying the user name instead of the email address
  • Zoom SDK client microphone mute status button is synced with a hardware
  • Updated Demo mode images 
  • Added Theming to Zoom and Teams UCW Secure browser pre-join screens
  • Zoom Calendar join shows dockbar when in Prejoin view

Version January 6, 2023

  • Updates to Room Reset clearing UCW 

Version December 28, 2022

  • Settings Import updates for one Flat Layout configuration

Version December 20, 2022

  • Enhanced ScreenSaver setting to disable bubbles
  • Zoom SDK - Hide share option when participant share is disabled and not a Host
  • Info icon on how to configure the dock mode for HDMI device
  • Added UCW Browser System Events, Added Device Enable/Disable Actions
  • Added the QR code for Zoom login integration
  • Added Zoom Authenticator to Zoom Calendar join
  • Updates to the Quicklaunch Splash Screen 
  • Added Upgraded Status Items for Tabbed view
  • Added customizable backgrounds for Authenticated browser actions
  • Added Unpin app bar for Zoom Meet Now Action
  • Updates to Room Reset to not run at the meeting startup time

Version November 3, 2022

  • UC Central - show Zoom login errors on the dashboard
  • UC Central - restrict Zoom Oauth token override if updated from Quicklaunch

Version October 31, 2022

  • Zoom SDK updated to -"Zoom OAuth login update"
  • Quicklaunch Calendar - On Refresh - Calendar returns to the current day
  • Quicklaunch Calendar - On Room Reset Calendar refreshes to the current day
  • Zoom - Allow user to enter token on the UCC page (instead of username/password)
  • Preps for Windows 11 support- ALT+F4 is blocked in LockDown mode

Version 4.1.763.0 October 3, 2022

  • Control App - Support for Add Poly Studio P5
  • Changes to QL to support latest UCW Secure Browser version
  • Refactor Camera control and AV Tab to get defined cameras from the config files
  • Added UAC button to Exit Password Protected screen
  • Tabbed View - Calendar Date Picker touch issue - Multiple Selectors show is resolved

Version 4.1.743.0 September 22, 2022

  • Graph API - Remove UserReadAll Application permission type as required

Version 4.1.714.0 September 7, 2022

  • Updates to Network Monitor (using modern web framework)
  • Google Calendar - RingCentral meeting OneClick Join (can read Google wrapped URLs) 
  • Updates to MS Teams Display rules for Anonymous join option 
  • Added Default SVG icon for the Virtual Touchpad action tile 

Version 4.1.703.0 August 31, 2022

  • Allow 2 calendar Items in Tabbed View
  • QL Update to latest HDMI package
  • Added Zoom Oauth refresh token in Quicklaunch settings
  • Updates to ScreenSaver. Calendar is refreshed when Screensaver is stopped.
  • Support for Logitech Rally Bar Mini camera
  • Updates to the Tabbed view layout calendar date picker
  • Updates to the UCWBrowser Service
  •  Added embeded browser for Kramer Control Brain into tabbed/console mode
  •  Ability to use Remote Control to draw in ScreenSketch/MS Whiteboard

Version 4.1.625.0 July 13, 2022

  • Added option to hide virtual keyboard icon on the Calendar "View Meeting Details" pop-up
  • LockDown mode Shell improvements
  • Display Rules for MS Teams desktop client
  • Updates to Google Calendar integration

Version 4.1.579.0 June 9, 2022

  • Support for lockdown mode shell on the second monitor in Windows 11
  • Add template for Kramer EOM
  • Add the ability to specify the number of calendar items in tabbed and flat mode
  • Improve memory use with color picker in settings

Version 4.1.548.0 May 27, 2022

  • Add support for Kramer branding
  • Design mode improvement for "Other" popup
  • Add email verification support for old email addresses
  • Support for Avaya join meetings

Version 4.1.524.0 May 16, 2022

  • Update message adapter for double clicking
  • Add Kramer cameras to QL camera control
  • Ring Central - Update Logo, icons and default App location
  • Update video preview on Tabbed View - AV controls

Version 4.1.491.0 May 2, 2022

  • Update to Virtual Keyboard

Version 4.1.461.0 April 14, 2022

  • Support for Kramer Via
  • Support for Kramer Control Web Access and Kramer Control Macros
  • Logging moved from event log to log files
  • Update to system policies for trusted URLs
  • Update for HDMI share audio with Mimo devices
  • Update integration to UC Central
  • Update for large display screen touch

Version 4.1.331.0 January 12, 2022

  • Enhancements to Tabbed layout virtual cursor. Added option to choose the size of the virtual cursor
  • Huddly IQ people count feature available in all Quicklaunch editions
  • Enhancements to Quicklaunch Dock View and full-screen behavior with UCW secure browser windows

Version 4.1.317.0 December 30, 2021

  • Camera Control - Support for Avocor Panel Camera
  • Camera Control - Support for Crestron UC-SB1-CAM camera
  • Camera Control - Support for Logitech Rally Bar
  • Camera Control - Support for Huddly IP Camera
  • Quicklaunch Settings - Update redirects to UCW installer, if installed
  • Updates to UCW Secure Browser scanning and prompting for credentials
  • Room Reset Settings - Added UCW Secure Browser option
  • Action Catalog - Added MS Teams under UCW Secure Browser
  • Added start meeting to Quicklaunch API
  • Action Catalog - Actions for Dell C5518QT and C5522QT monitors
  • LockDown mode Shell enhancements

Version November 17, 2021

  • Updates to Display Rules for Chome and Edge Chromium browsers 
  • Updated camera controls for Polycom X50 Camera
  • Added new setting to Zoom that enables Zoom and Quicklaunch windows sharing

Version October 25, 2021

  • Display rules removed from Zoom Anonymous meeting join Settings
  • Updates to Virtual keyboard
  • Updated to a newer Zoom SDK build

Version September 17, 2021

  • Biamp Dialer UI change Location of Microphone / Speaker buttons for Biamp Tesira
  • Camera Control - Support for Lumens VC-B30UW Camera
  • Camera Control - Support for SMART Camera 
  • Updates to Calendar View Meeting constraint behavior
  • Camera Control - Support for Aver 520 Pro 2 Camera
  • Camera Control - Support for Polycom X50
  • Wireless console - Renamed to "wireless tablet remote"

Version September 3, 2021

  • Show options popup when joining the Teams/Zoom meeting from Remote Control
  • QL Remote Action name updates
  • Update to Dockbar latch
  • Add Wireless Console to QL remote
  • Camera Control  - Add support for Polycom EEDII
  • Updates to Quicklaunch keyboard
  • Update to Dockbar when running room reset
  • Update to digital signage for future product compatibility

Version August 19, 2021

  • Force Close option for web browsers
  • Quicklaunch Setup Wizard updates
  • Weav starts automatically on Room Reset
  • Updates to Zoom SDK authorization
  • Updates to Demo Mode
  • Updates to Zoom Meeting Manager participant's video icon behavior
  • Updates to Zoom Display Rules 

Version July 26, 2021

  • Meeting Zip folder is created from the template Meeting Zip Settings
  • System Monitoring in Dock View 
  • QL Remote Defaulted IP Address on machine with multiple Network Adapters
  • Updates for Zoom Meeting manager behavior
  • Changes to HDMI Share hardware 

Version 4.0.1323.0 July 12, 2021

  • Updates for windows tablet and windows on screen keyboard
  • Updates for new version of RingCentral 
  • Update System Policy for disable browser password manager
  • Update Display->FullScreen->Tabbed View Settings UI layout
  • Meet Now Action tile text
  • Update Webex Meet Now action tile text
  • Update viewable password box for QL keyboard

Version 4.0.1310.0 July 5, 2021

  • Support for new Webex client and URL 
  • Zoom Meeting join options to start meeting with AV enabled
  • Enable/disable Windows audio/video devices on room reset
  • Updates to Enhanced ScreenSaver Settings
  • Updates to Remote Control default Settings
  • Calendar don't show blank slot when Book Room not available (PE edition)
  • Common audio controls to Quicklaunch Lockdown shell 

Version 4.0.1181.0 April 26, 2021

  • Support performance counters on import
  • Show WeavLT room name in QL title bar
  • Provide ability to show QR Code on Appbar
  • Support for Zoom Breakout Rooms
  • Update Slack Action default configuration settings
  • Update templates for Edge update
  • Support MS Graph with GCC High environments
  • Support new v4 sections for silent update
  • Integrate Voice command setting into Quicklaunch
  • Support suppression of MS Teams web client browser prompts
  • Huddlecam HD 4k Camera USB Support
  • Add limited support for Elgato 4k on HDMI Share
  • Support Zoom Dual Screen with Zoom Meeting Manager
  • Add option to hide "move DockBar" and "Pin Dockbar" icons
  • Improve response time starting Teams meetings
  • Update Settings  Import for MS Graph settings
  • Clear screen saver using Voice Command
  • Update System Policy for "Show Touch keyboard"
  • Action Tile Camera Control update text
  • Update language change for Action Catalog 

Version 4.0.1143.0 March 31, 2021

  • Enhancements to QLX files to support setting of the password cleartext
  • Graph API - if fail to add new participants to the organizer meeting, then send an email to new participants
  • Zoom SDK - Authorization Error on QLX import is fixed
  • Enhancements to multilingual translations of Settings

Version 4.0.1109.0 March 15, 2021

  • Email verification on registration of Quicklaunch
  • Clear screensaver using Voice Command
  • Tabbed View Theme - Option to change "Settings" icon theme independent of other status buttons
  • Enhancement to MS Teams Join Meeting in a web browser
  • System Check alternative sign-in option
  • Enhancements to Add Participants function

Version 4.0.1095.0 March 9, 2021

  • Ability to launch 8x8 Work windows client from schedules meeting on Calendar
  • URLDefence version 2 - Add support for modified meeting links
  • Scheduled Meeting (GoToWebinar) - add support for secure browser join
  • Option to only delete Windows Credentials but keep Generic and Certificate-Based Credentials on Room Reset
  • Support for new Meeting provider Cisco Meeting Server
  • Camera Control Support for Aver Aver vb342+
  • The calendar synchronization success message is now suppressed if Auth type is Graph
  • Enhancements to utomatic restarting when touch screen is powered on 

Version 4.0.1083.0 February 24, 2021

  • Update App view icons
  • Add support for Interactio meeting provider
  • Update Screen Saver settings defaults
  • Voice Command available in production
  • Add support for iSmart ePTZ Camera
  • Add support for Zoom Gov URLs
  • Portuguese Translation
  • Add Quicklaunch digital signage
  • Add support for Aver 520Pro to Camera Control app

Version 4.0.1047.0 February 12, 2021

  • Updates to Meeting Links System Event 
  • Updates to room template exporting
  • Updates to Biamp Dialer

Version 4.0.1020.0 January 26, 2021

  • Policy settings can now be enabled/disabled through templates
  • Start WeavLT Host fullscreen
  • Update open-source licenses notices.txt
  • Update screen saver analytics
  • Update forgot settings password email mechanism

Version 4.0.1004.0 January 15, 2021

  • Updates to Zoom login
  • Updates to displaying meeting details links 
  • Improve the launching time of the Meeting Details window
  • Updates to open MS Tablet keyboard opening
  • Update WeavLT to show remote tab after re-open
  • Support for Google Meet meeting when no content in the body
  • Update digital signage
  • Update to Biamp control displays

Version 4.0.966.0 December 23, 2020

  • Update room reset to default the master switch to on

Version 4.0.963.0 December 22, 2020

  • Book Room Dialog text update for Italian
  • ScreenSaver preparation for Digital Signage
  • Remove Biamp feature key 
  • Support BlueJeans meeting launch meeting mouse and keyboard
  • Sign MSI installer PowerShell scripts
  • Room Reset master on-off switch
  • LockDown mode support hover over with windows that have an invisible border
  • Update Chrome Browser Action Tile Settings
  • Update fullscreen setting on Secondary Monitors with Scaling
  • Update Italian Translations
  • Support for Room Reset outside of the meeting with end meeting on room reset Enabled
  • Support Team Meet Now on Tabbed Screen dropdown touch/mouseclick with QL Keyboard
  • Quicklaunch Remote Control ability to specify IP Address of remote
  • Google Account parse Google Meet URL with URL defense
  • Screen Saver allows change enhanced colors

Version 4.0.940.0 December 16, 2020

  • Update Google Action Tiles to support Enhance/Secure Browser and set default
  • WeavLT Add Mouse and Keyboard to WeavLT for QL control 
  • Move Voice Command settings to Quicklaunch
  • Ability to set Volume Popup Action - background color 
  • Add group icon data to QL API
  • Google account setup signout or reset
  • Import/Export the Timer Foreground Settings 
  • Weav action in demo mode
  • Room reset close all instances of Edge Chrome


Quicklaunch Remote Dec 16, 2020

  • Mouse & Keyboard will stop working on meeting end
  • Updated user interface

Version 4.0.916.0 December 1, 2020

  • Update to Quicklaunch exit to shutdown remote control before WeavLT
  • Ability to set Mic/Speaker Levels on Room Reset 
  • Office 365 action tile settings

Version 4.0.841.0 October 28, 2020

  • Updated NEC Setting Template
  • Added UC Central plugin with provision code to settings
  • Added information on Zoom signout with room reset
  • Added Meeting Details scrolling with 300% Scaling in Tabbed View
  • Optimized saving setting to UC Central
  • Added support for S4B Safelinks meeting URLs 
  • Added capability for up to 100 Graph API calendar items


Version 4.0.819.0 October 17, 2020

  • Include report job email address in QLX import
  • Update Change User function to replace deprecated Microsoft ADAL with Microsoft MSAL authentication library
  • Support meeting URLs coded with Scanmail Trustwave
  • Webex Teams support new meeting URL format

Version 4.0.808.0 October 8, 2020

  • Meeting Manager keep meeting active when camera power is cycled 
  • Quicklaunch add UCC plugin if UCC installed
  • Resolve %windir% environment variables for Actions
  • Quicklaunch add QL Remote Plugin if installed
  • Google Hangouts being deprecated move to Goolge Meet
  • Update warnings and FAQ about Zoom client credentials not being cleared on reset (Zoom limitation)
  • Update Room Reset to restore the WeavLT window
  • Update voice command beta for support for Azure speech recognition (beta)
  • QL Remote UI enhancements

Version 4.0.791.0 September 25, 2020

  • Add message adapter support for Promethean panels 
  • Voice Command - integrate with Azure Speech Services
  • Remove debug files from the build
  • Allow default Zoom Recording location to include the environment variable
  • Use Group Icon Color Settings
  • UCCentral - Update applying settings for calendar icons
  • UCCentral - show template name in the portal tab
  • UCCentral - apply to wait on startup of CloudAgent
  • Close Zoom SDK client on Room Reset 

Version 4.0.746.0 September 9, 2020

  • Show info icon on Google Account settings screen
  • Add help links on the Setup wizard
  • Add Zoom to the Setup wizard
  • Support French language Windows OS with Lockdown Manager
  • Add enhanced and secure web browser options to Webex Teams
  • Add Microphone and Speaker Instance Tags to Biamp Dialer
  • Add ability to Enter Numbers and Edit Phone Numbers with Keyboard to Biamp Dialer
  • Support Meeting Manager in demo mode
  • Support new Webex Teams meetings URL
  • Support actions in Voice Command
  • Reduce logged errors when speaker unmuted
  • Use https for accessing support website from Settings
  • Add support for Graph API settings for UC Central
  • Update to the speed of Screen Saver bubbles
  • Add WeavLT settings to Quicklaunch for QR codes and title bar
  • Add support for custom URL for Skype OneClick join
  • Quicklaunch remote action tile to support SVG and non-SVG QR codes
  • Google Account - Help Icon on UI 
  • Provide Ability to Enable/Disable Action on Quicklaunch System Events 

Version 4.0.722.0 August 26, 2020

  • Add support for PTZ Optics 20x-USB camera
  • Add "Ephemeral" Group Policy Setting for Chrome and Edge Chromium
  • Add support for Avaya IX Workplace meetings
  • Improve accuracy of screen saver timer
  • Add help icon on Settings->Account->Login
  • Improve Setup Wizard when migrating from EWS to Graph Customer Certificate
  • Quicklaunch Remote - add QR code as an Action tile
  • Tabbed View - improve logo scaling on high res displays and high zoom levels

Version 4.0.707.0 August 11, 2020

  • Display HDMI share thumbnail in S4B Meeting Manager Sharing window
  • Add SVG icons to the icon library
  • Graph API - options for customers to use their own app registration
  • Add warning to Calendar and actions that use browser arguments
  • When Zoom Meeting Manger Disabled do not access "Record on Meeting Join" directory
  • Voice command - add "join meeting" command
  • Room Reset - Internet Explorer Web Cache for all versions

Version 4.0.695.0 August 5, 2020

  • Added policy defaults to templates to prevent  audio/video prompt on browsers for websites for Accession, Videxio, WebExTeams, Zoom
  • Updated Quicklaunch API to support querying action groups
  • Added warning on room reset that log out for MS Office & Teams may not work on all systems
  • Added room reset support for Cisco Jabber
  • Added support for alternate BlueJeans URLs for OneClick join
  • Added support for Biamp Mic mute/unmute for Biamp AV controls
  • Included diagnostic files in Quicklaunch installer
  • Removed requirement for Quicklaunch installer to need an Internet connection

Version 4.0.680.0 July 22, 2020

  • Merge MS Teams Meet Now action tile with Meet Now
  • Graph API - authentication - FAQ Link
  • Zoom One-Click update for passcode change
  • Reset Dockbar countdown timer on Room reset - FAQ Link
  • Room reset delete pictures folder - keep camera roll
  • Actions - use arguments in display rules testing
  • Add support for WeavLT in Settings-> Plugins
  • Quicklaunch auto start for French-language computers
  • Meeting provider settings for browser name
  • System check-in improvements
  • Quicklaunch Settings -> Account ->Login description
  • Quicklaunch Flat Mode UI calendar
  • Quicklaunch show Settings window on Windows Taskbar
  • One-Click Join support profiles for google meetings - FAQ Link
  • Voice command beta config files

Version 4.0.644.0 July 10, 2020

  • New features
  • Disable task view history collection Policy Setting
  • Support Zoom Webinars OneClick from Calendar
  • Camera support for ClearOne Unite 150


  • Updates to Zoom Meeting Manager
  • Updates to template importing
  • Updates to Meeting Manager UI

Version 4.0.604.0 June 23, 2020

New features

  • Option to change Calendar meeting icons
  • Support for multiple instances of Chrome/Edge using enhanced & secure options


  • Chinese translation updates
  • Zoom Meeting Manager updates
  • Error suppression is disabled in default templates

Version 4.0.569.0 June 10, 2020


  • Updated default template display settings 
  • Updated meeting message provider parsing
  • Send Email action settings update
  • Performance updates

Version 4.0.554.0 June 4, 2020

New features

  • Allow arguments for all Browser types in Meeting settings
  • Allow auto sharing in Meeting Manager of HDMIShare


  • Action Catalog - add Hoylu to Vendor dropdown
  • Update to defaults for Calendar > Meeting settings
  • Zoom Meeting Manager updates

Version 4.0.543.0 June 2, 2020

New features

  • Support for Color Icons on the Dockbar
  • Allow arguments for all Browser types in actions


  • Language translation\formatting improvement on tabbed screens
  • One Drive and One Note web Actions 
  • Setting labels updates

Version 4.0.541.0 May 27, 2020

New features

  • Associated Settings on the right side bar in QL Settings
  • Restrict access to view previous/future calendar dates 
  • One-Click join for AccessionMeeting meeting type 
  • Hoylu send email through Quicklaunch 
  • AV Icon added to Icon Catalog
  • Calendar Meetings Options for use enhanced and secure for browser joins
  • MS Teams - Add policy changes to suppress prompt for audio/video in a web browser
  • MS Teams web action tile - use browser enhancements
  • MS Teams Meet Now for browser
  • MS Teams - official icon in action catalog
  • Support for Export/Import policies settings in templates
  • Added browser enhanced experience and secure browser to web site action tiles
  • Https  for
  • Zoom Videos launched from meeting with users names on the feed


  • German Language translation improvements
  • Meeting Manager - Invite by Email virtual keyboard is launched on the screen that was launched from

Version 4.0.492.0 May 5, 2020

New features

  • Actions to control Avocor displays over RS 232
  • New MS Teams icon


  • Tabbed Virtual Keyboard "Back Arrow" return to the tab that had Focus / Was Navigated From 
  • Skype Meeting Manager - Add Participant via Email - Enable Enter Key to add for Virtual and physical keyboards 
  • Dock View - Volume Pop-up Action using Action Icon Foreground  
  • MS Teams - One-Click join browser improvements

Version 4.0.462.0 April 17, 2020

New features

  • System policy help pages
  • Display time in lockdown mode
  • Biamp dialer microphone mute/unmute
  • Enable batch run script


  • French language keyboard layout
  • Keyboard number pad improvements

Version 4.0.437.0  April 6, 2020

New features

  • Camera Control - touch improvements
  • Zoom launch performance improvements
  • Zoom meet now display rules
  • HDMI Share support for Logitech screen share 


  • Edge Chromium Display Rules
  • Skype Meeting Manager, sharing primary and secondary screens
  • Demo mode text
  • Zoom meeting manager start video
  • HDMI Share memory usage improvements

Version 4.0.404.0  March 11, 2020

New features

  • Zoom Meeting Manager add recording action
  • Encryption algorithms are now FIPS compliant
  • Add support for new Edge Chromium browser


  • Start zoom meetings in chrome browser
  • Start lockdown mode for administrator accounts

Version 4.0.365.0  February 6, 2020

New features

  • Zoom Meet Now audio/video on
  • Camera Control Widget supports Panacast 3 USB camera
  • Room Reset for Flatfrog board/NEC
  • New Quicklaunch Logo
  • Suspend Room Reset corrected dialog text
  • Action Groups shown on Dockbar independently


  • One-Click join. Updated meeting URL for 8x8 meeting provider
  • One-Click join. Updated meeting URL for new GoToMeeting desktop client
  • Flat Mode Themes changed Footer background-color
  • HDMIShare window starts automatically on top of Quicklaunch UI
  • Room Reset enhancements for Zoom and Cisco Jabber
  • HDMI Share custom configurations for unsupported hardware
  • Improvements to Quicklaunch auto-start on Windows start 

Version 4.0.324.0  January 9, 2020

New features

  • World Clock in Tabbed mode 
  • Flatfrog board NEC added to Action Catalog


  • HDMI Share performance enhancements
  • Improved Template export

Version - 4.0.303.0  December 20, 2019

New features

  • Support for the Logitech TAP Display and inbuilt Capture card for HDMI Share
  • Support for the Huddly IQ camera and people count on Room Reset
  • Upgrade to .Net libraries that are TLS 1.2 compliant
  • Quicklaunch virtual keyboard switches languages
  • Elo camera supported by Camera Control widget
  • Meeting tile menu displays when Touch and Hold on Calendar slot 
  • Prevent users from extending a meeting into an already scheduled meeting
  • Option for Quicklaunch to restart itself when tablet plugged in


  • Zoom Meeting Manager performance enhancements
  • Meeting Zip files include list of attendees
  • Change User works with MFA enabled accounts from multiple domains
  • Updated meeting URL for Google Hangouts
  • Room Reset improved performance

Version -  November 26, 2019

New features

  • Flatfrog Board was added to Quicklaunch Action Catalog
  • Ability to send Flatfrog drawings on Room Reset
  • Change User Select domains shows on the drop-down
  • Clearing Flatfrog directories on room reset


  • A changed name for "Paint 3D" in Action Catalog
  • Updated Swedish language translation
  • Improved performance in Docked mode
  • Zoom Meet Now Action Tile Display Rules enhancements
  • Updated meeting URL for Starleaf meetings 

Version -  October 23, 2019

New features

  • Added support for Magewell capture card using RGB32 color scheme


  • Improved performance of the Book Room feature
  • Zoom OneClick join improved usability 
  • Improved scaling on 4K monitors in LockDown mode
  • Send email dialog enhanced sizing

Version -  October 7, 2019

New features

  • Quicklaunch Logo moved to the bottom right corner in Tabbed mode
  • Room Name is Displayed above the date in the Calendar section


  • Quicklaunch Screen Saver improved performance 
  • Improved performance of Room Reset in Demo mode

Version -  September 11, 2019

New features

  • Add Participants Option for Zoom Meet Now 
  • Request Trial License in Quicklaunch License Settings


  • System Events improved performance
  • Room Reset improvements

Version -  August 30, 2019

New features

  • Added option to Cancel Room Reset
  • Export/Import of HDMI Share v4 Settings
  • Camera support for ClearOne Unite 200 PTZ Camera 
  • Improved authentication settings for Zoom
  •  System events arguments replaced with more user-friendly names 
  • Add Huddly Canvas Application to Catalog
  • Get 30 days Trial License in Quicklaunch Settings


  • Improved usability of Windows OSK in ScreenSaver mode
  • Edge browser supports link argument for Private Mode
  • System Check-in improved usability with Azure AD
  • Book Room performance improvements

Version -  August 16, 2019


  • Meeting Check-in improved performance
  • Message Adapter enhanced logging
  • HDMI Share v4 performance improvements

Version -  August 11, 2019


  • Meeting Manager Settings improvements
  • HDMI Share v4 performance improvements

Version -  July 27, 2019

New features

  • Support for VDO 360 version 02 camera
  • Zoom Meeting Manager performance improvements
  • HDMI Share v4 enhanced Settings
  • Improved default Display Rules Settings for Zoom 


  • Room Reset improved performance
  • Change User improved usability
  • HDMI Share v4 window always on top when device is connected

Version -  July 22, 2019

New features

  • Support for Inogeni HD2USB3 capture card
  • Support for Magewell USB Capture HDMI Plus
  • Support for Roboshot USB camera
  • Change User works with MFA enabled accounts


  • HDMI Share improved usability
  • HDMI Share enhanced settings
  • Webex Teams improved default Display Rules Settings
  • Screen Saver improved performance

Version -  July 7, 2019

New features

  • Support for MS Exchange MFA for Change User option 
  • Meet Now enhanced Settings 
  • Added NEC Mosaic Connect to Action Catalog
  • Polycom Eagle Eye Mini camera added to Camera Control widget
  • Ability to email on Room Resource status change
  • HDMI Share v4 supports Inogeni 4K2USB3
  • HDMI Share v4 enhanced Settings
  • HDMI Share v4 window “UVC Viewer” renamed to "HDMI Share"
  • HDMI Share v4 Action Tile improved Settings


  • Send email Action improved performance with Google Calendar
  • Quicklaunch v3 to v4 upgrade improvements
  • Room Reset Signout improvements for Microsoft Whiteboard
  • Ability to add Zoom Meet Now Action from Catalog
  • Apps View Action available in Action Catalog

Version -  June21, 2019

New features

  • Enhanced default Display Rules configurations 


  • Improved Account Login Settings
  • Quicklaunch Keyboard performance improvements
  • HDMI Share v4. Added Mimo UM-1080CP-B capture card to the list of supported devices

Version -   13 June, 2019

New features

  • Vscene added to the catalog of  Conferencing Clients  
  • Nureva application added to Catalog
  • HDMI Share V4 enhanced Settings


  • Default Display Rules improvements
  • Enhanced performance of Virtual Touch Pad
  • HDMI Share performance improvements
  • Improved performance of Dockbar

Version -  30 May, 2019 

New features

  • Encrypted credentials in Settings
  • V4 - HDMI Share enhanced Settings
  • V4 - HDMI Share Controls enhancements


  • Google authentication improvements
  • Improved performance of Screensaver

Version - 30 May, 2019 

New features

  • Windows Tab Control added to Catalog in Flat mode
  • "Book Room" available if Calendar "Shows meetings Only"
  • Add Surface Hub Cameras to the list of supported in Camera Control app
  • Policy to prevent using MS consumer accounts for desktop Office apps
  • Policy to "Disable Action Center" and "Hide People Bar"


  • Calendar connection enhancement
  • Google authentication improvements
  • Room Reset enhancement 
  • Improved Import/Export process

Version - 17 May, 2019 

New features

  • Support IFPD camera in Camera Manager
  • New Action Microphone Mute/Unmute


  • Room Reset - deletes net auth and net use
  • Room Reset - clears bookmarks in Edge browser
  • Sharp Pen Software in Action Catalog
  • Sharp Display Connect to Action Catalog
  • Improved German Translation

Version - 27 April, 2019 

New features

  • Room Reset - saves desktop items
  • MS Teams - Anonymous Join


  • Improved Template import on fresh install
  • Improved Reset of Theme Settings
  • Enhanced Zipping of folders
  • Improved Participants adding and group mailing
  • Improved German Translation

Version - 19 Mar, 2019:

New Features

  • Support Symantec ClickTime
  • Organize Google Calendar list Alphabetically
  • Maintenance Registration Improvements


  • Improved Calendar Link Parsing.
  • Enhanced Zipping of Folders

Version - 1 Mar, 2019:

New Features

  • Improved Japanese Translation
  • Enhanced Zoom Integration


  • More Custom URLs
  • BlueJeans Enhancements

Version - 15 Feb, 2019:

New Features

  • Skype for Business Custom Server Invitation
  • Zoom Enhancements 


  • New Certificate
  • Bubble Screen Saver Enhancements

Version - 1 Feb, 2019:

New Features

  • Theme Improvements - Tabbed Mode Theming (beta)
  • Calendar Notification Customizability


  • Room Reset - Chrome and Edge 
  • OneDrive Action Tile

Version - 11 Jan, 2019:

New Features

  • Meeting Manager Enhancements (beta)
  • Theme Improvements - AV Control Screen


  • System Checkin Enhancements (beta)
  • French Language Translation Improvements

Version - 20 Dec, 2018:


  • HDMI Share Enhancements

Version - 19 Dec, 2018:

New Features

  • InFocus video dialer added to Action Tile Calalog
  • Theme Improvements - Ability to modify font type 
  • Meeting Manager Enhancements (beta)

Version - 6 Dec, 2018:

New Features

  • Change User on Tabbed Screens


  • Windows audio device management enhancement
  • Link to release notes in settings -> help -> about
  • OEM template enhancement
  • GoToMeeting parsing update

Version - 1 Dec, 2018:


  • Google Calendar update 

Version - 16 Nov, 2018:

New Features

  • Added new Action Group - General available for Tabbed Mode
  • Support for path variables in Events
  • Settings for automatic calendar refresh frequency


  • Room Reset update
  • Demo mode enhancement

Version - 2 Nov, 2018:

New Features

  • Added ability to clear all Windows credentials on Room Reset
  • Added ability to clear net use credentials and mapped network drives on Room Reset
  • Added ability to restart  windows explorer on Room Reset


  • Settings import update.
  • Zoom one click join enhancement
  • Drive Path Update
  • Ring Central default display rules update
  • World Clock layout update

Version - 19 Oct, 2018:

New Features

  • Collaboard to Action Catalog
  • Newline TruCam support
  • Add support for GoToWebinar join webinar from calendar
  • Add ability to sign out and clear credentials for Zoom on Room Reset


  • Flat Mode layout updates
  • Bluejeans/GoToMeeting/Pexip meeting join updates
  • Settings updates

Version - 1 Oct, 2018:

New Features

  • Add new event types Resource Unavailable, Internet Unavailable and Exchange Unavailable


  • Quickshare update
  • Demo Mode updates

Version - 14 Sept, 2018:

New Features

  • Add Webex Teams to as conference provider
  • Add Logitech Camera Settings application to actions catalog
  • Add Logitech Rally Camera
  • Add ability to hide meeting timer on Dockbar
  • Ability to hide private meetings or parts of private meetings from calendar


  • 8x8 meetings enhancement
  • Flat mode layout enhancement

Version - 31 Aug, 2018:

New Features

  • New Policy Setting to restrict access to windows control panel


  • S4B join meeting enhancements
  • Room reset enhancement

Version - 24 Aug, 2018:


  • Kiosk Mode enhancements
  • Room Reset enhancement

  • Google calendar enhancement

Version - 10 Aug, 2018:

New Features

  • Added USB Camera - Polycom Eagle IV

  • Added Airserver UWP App to action catalog
  • Added policy for USB access restriction


  • Calendar connection enhancement

  • Tabbed Windows page enhancement
  • Lockdown mode enhancements
  • Microsoft Teams enhancement

Version - 20 July, 2018:

New Features

  • Ability to suppress S4B main window

  • Setting to remove QL logo from screen saver
  • MessageAdapter handle multiple devices

  • Microsoft Teams UWP app as meeting provider option

  • Added Microsoft Touchpad to action catalog


  • Themes settings enhancement

  • Demo mode enhancements
  • QL Keyboard update
  • Display Rule delay enhancement
  • Camera resource monitor update

Version - 4 July, 2018:


  • Update to Dockbar

Version - 28 June, 2018:

New Features

  • Ability to add actions to Tabbed view status bar 

  • Add Airserver to action catalog
  • Add Windows Connect to action catalog

  • Add Microsoft Teams UWP app to action catalog


  • Theme setting enhancements

  • Screen sketch update
  • Update to default display rules for Microsoft Teams
  • Update to sign out Microsoft Teams on Room Reset 
  • Display rules update
  • Update for start in Dock mode

Version - 15 June, 2018:

New Features

  • Add Webex Teams desktop client to action catalog

  • Add Webex Teams Web to action catalog
  • Add SketchPad to action catalog (Window 1803)

  • Add Event types of Speaker and Microphone Muted/Unmuted

  • Ability to configure which buttons show on Window tabbed view screen


  • PTZ Optics 20X - USB update

  • Room reset - clear o365 credential update
  • Calendar updates
  • Reset Display settings update

Version - 1 June, 2018:

New Features

  • Add One Note UWP to action catalog

  • Add Screen Snip to action catalog
  • Add Sketch to action catalog (Window 1803)


  • Export template update

  • Language resource updates

  • Meeting Timer updates
  • Room Reset zip enhancement
  • Meet Now action enhancement
  • Demo Mode
  • QuickShare enhancement
  • Google account type enhancemnts

Version - 25 May, 2018:

New Features

  • Add conference provider StarLeaf


  • Calendar updates - for Google account type

  • Biamp Dialer update (BETA ONLY - Feature Key Enabled - Charges may apply)

  • Meeting Timer update

  • Network Ping Strategy update

Version - 10 May, 2018:

New Features

  • Add refresh button to calendar to re fetch calendar items

  • Minimize QuickShare when HDMI cable unplugged

  • Meet Now - ability to configure with predefined participants


  • Notification Windows enhancement

  • Translation updates

  • Meeting Timer update

Version - 20 Apr, 2018:

New Features

  • Add ability to constraint when meetings show

  • Add TeleCam TLC-300-U3S camera


  • Enhancements for QLX import

  • Meeting Timer update

  • Layout enhancement

Version - 14 Apr, 2018:

New Features

  • Add conference provider Ring Central

  • Add ability to view maintenance expiry date in Settings -> License

  • Ability to minimize applications on room reset

  • Add ViewSonic applications to action catalog

  • Add Nearus HD camera to Quickshare2

  • Add Huddly Camera App to action catalog

  • Add ability to hide taskbar in Lockdown mode with Always in Back

  •  Add ability to specify meeting extension time

  • Add meeting countdown timer to DockBar

  • Add abitlty to block Windows screen saver when Quickshare2 is streaming

  • Add ability to clear the RDP cache on room reset

  • Add ability to automatically minimize Quickshare2 on HMDI cable being unplugged

  • Added policy to remove Windows shutdown options

  • Add File type to action catalog

  • Add ability to show action tile Description as tooltip


  • Enhancements for QL keyboard

  • Layout enhancements with Always in Back

  • Add default meeting zip folder path

Version - 23 Mar, 2018:

New Features

  • Add Application Deon to action catalog

  • Add Ability to search by company name in action catalog

  • Ability to resize the Quicklaunch on screen keyboard 


  • QuickShare2 enhancements 

Version - 9 Mar, 2018:

New Features

  • Add Meeting Provider - vMeet

  • Add Meeting Provider - Univago

  • Sykpe4B Share Desktop Action Tile - Added ability to select a screen to share 

  • Add setting to allow Meeting Organizer image to be hidden


  • Virtual Keyboard and Touchpad enhancements

  • QuickShare Command Line Configuration 

  • Skype4B meetings will launch directly into meeting window

Version - 3 Mar, 2018:

New Features

  • Launch in Dock Mode

  • Setting to allow meet now button in tabbed view to show during meetings

  • Reset performance counters - Scheduled Task 

  • Import allow updates to specific settings  in Batch

  • Ability to change Calendar Tab name


  • Date format enhancements

  • Language and accented character enhancements  

Version - 16 Feb, 2018:

New Features

  • PE - AV Control - Prevent user from changing device

  • Actions catalog - Hoylu Flow, Paper and Sketch Added

  • Tabbed View - Volume Slider / Mute Speaker Control 

  • Sortable Navigation Tabs

  • Add skype video/audio options to meet now

  • Bi-Amp Analog Dialer Support 

  • Message Adapter - ascii Support Added


  • Virtual Keyboard Enhancements

Version - 9 Feb, 2018:


  • Room Reset and Policies

Version - 2 Feb, 2018:


  • Custom Skype URL

Version - 30 Jan, 2018:

New Features

  • End Meeting Event - Add subsequent meeting check setting

  • Start Meeting Event - Add lead time setting

  • Date and Time Configuration overridable

  • Action Catalog - vMeet Client

  • Silent update from settings import on install

  • Feature Keys - allow entering of feature keys on install and change license wizards

  • Quickshare - add snapshot button to title bar and default shortcut key to 'P'

  • Quicklaunch - new setting to clear Skype4B credentials on Room Reset when QL is not configured with default Skype4B credentials


  • ClickOnce updates available dialog not shown when updates disabled in QL

  • Scopia Meeting Provider - default display rule not changing with browser

  • Lockdown Mode - After Webex screen share unable to return to Webex Meeting

  • Save settings performance

  • Virtual Keyboard - switch between Full and Tablet mode, touchpad gets hidden

  • Tabbed View (Synced Screens) - calendar details, invite participant and group email not showing on all screens

Version - 21 Jan, 2018:


  • Virtual Keyboard Enhancements

Version - 17 Jan, 2018:

New Features

  • Settings Account - Combine Login/Domain setting to single tab

  • Inditex Custom Enhancement - Make X button background transparent

  • Inditex Custom Enhancement - Ensure textbox height is consistent


  • Settings Import - Account settings

  • Lockdown Mode - Display always in back (remove flicker)

  • Room Reset - Opening default browser (Edge) and not closing it

  • Save Import state to Quicklaunch settings in all cases

Version - 13 Jan, 2018:

New Features

  • Change user enhancement - support separate credentials for Skype 4B and Exchange

  • Inditex Custom Enhancement

  • Biamp Dialer

  • Launch Skype 4B meetings with audio/video


  • Settings save performance

  • Quickshare closes on room reset

Version - 5 Jan, 2018:

New Features

  • Action Groups - change background, heading icon or text color per group

  • New Event Handler types - postpone room reset.


  • Text and Layout Formatting

  • Virtual Touchpad

  • Can't join Skype 4B from outside organization

  • Only one fullscreen loads on startup in certain multiple display scenarios

Version - 20 Dec, 2017:

New Features

  • Camera Names Via VID/PID

  • Improved Language Support

  • Calendar - Refresh When “Now” Selected


  • Videxio Options Screen Revisions

  • Meet Now Action Tile Standardization

  • Licensing Implementation Refined

Version - 18 Dec, 2017:


  • Tabbed Layout on Multiple Screens Enhancement

Version - 11 Dec, 2017:

New Features

  • Theme - Import Advanced Theme Settings and RGB 


  • Lockdown Mode - Visual Enhancements and Settings Update

  • Tabbed View - Window Size Refinement

  • Room Reset - Email Functionality Increased

  • Resource Monitor Update

  • Calendar

  • Install Process Enhancements

Version - 15 Nov, 2017:


  • Room Reset - Edge and Display 

  • Multi-Monitor Scaling Refinement

  • Language Enhancements

Version - 8 Nov, 2017:

New Features

  • Room Reset - Sounds, User Prompts, Timer

  • Calendar - Skype Broadcast One-Click Join


  • Videxio - Settings Update

  • Calendar - Default View Change

  • Dockbar - Scaling Enhancement

Version - 31 Oct, 2017:


  • Google - Meeting Enhancements

  • Calendar Functionality Refinement

Version - 23 Oct, 2017:

New Features

  • Action Tiles Customization - Import Individually, Select Colour Expanded

  • Action Tile - Open Flat Frog App

  • Calendar - 8x8 One-Click Join


  • Room Reset

  • User Change Enhancements

  • Design Mode Refinements

  • World Clock Organization Enhanced

Version - 10 Oct, 2017:


  • Keyboard Shortcut Enhancement

Version - 28 Sept, 2017:


  • Design Mode - World Clock, Clock Setting Enhancements

  • Calendar - Book Room Enhancement

Version - 25 Sept, 2017:

New Features

  • Action Catalog - Remote Desktop Connection


  • Design Mode - Visual Enhancement

  • Display Rules - Default Setting Refinement

Version - 15 Sept, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - Scopia One-Click Join

  • Action Catalog - Dell Display Manager, Task View

  • Option to Redirect Cursor with Action Tile or One-Click Join


  • Action Tile Visual Enhancement

  • Tabbed Mode - Windows Enhancements

  • Action Tile - Outlook - Functionality Enhancement

  • Room Reset 

Version - 14 Sept, 2017:


  • Room Reset 

Version - 12 Sept, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - RealPresence One-Click Join


  • Virtual Touchpad Enhancement

  • Language - Spanish Translation Refinement

Version - 6 Sept, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - Zoom One-Click Join, Sametime One-Click Join, Microsoft Teams

  • Dockbar - Setting - Can Choose to Hide

  • Action Tiles - Allow Duplicate Action Tiles, Montage


  • Room Reset

  • Design Mode Enhancements

Version - 24 Aug, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - Vidyo One-Click Join

  • Dockbar - Display Enhancements


  • Language Enhancements

  • Room Reset

Version - 16 Aug, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - Cisco Spark One-Click Join, Google Hangouts and Google Meet One-Click Join, Lifesize One-Click Join, Fuze One-Click Join

  • Action Catalog - Nureva Span, Bluescape, MessageAdapter 


  • Design Mode

  • Room Reset

Version - 2 Aug, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - Now Accepts Command Line Arguments, Allow File Attachments

Version - 14 Jul, 2017:

New Features

  • Large Fake Cursor - Information Icon


  • Tabbed Display Enhancements

  • Licensing Implementation Refined

  • Icon Importing 

Version - 1 Jul, 2017:

New Features

  • Book Now

  • Display - Flat Mode Now Pinnable

  • Meeting Providers/Action Catalog - Join.Me, Cisco Spark, Jira


  • Quickshare Enhancements

  • Room Reset

  • Settings Screen Enhancements

  • Installation Wizard Enhancements

Version - 28 Jun, 2017:


  • Zoom Meeting Provider Enhancement

Version - 12 Jun, 2017:

New Features

  • Action Catalog - Inogeni Share2, Display Desktop

  • Camera Manager - Huddly Go Manager, Logitech Meetup Camera

  • Calendar - Videxio One-Click Join


  • Large Fake Cursor - Toggle On/Off Setting Added

  • Virtual Touchpad Enhancements

  • Reset Room

Version - 9 May, 2017:

New Features

  • Room Reset on Logout User


  • Tabbed Mode Display Enhancements

Version - 27 Apr, 2017:

New Features

  • Calendar - Simplicity One-Click Join, One-Click Join

  • Tabbed Mode - Sync Multiple Tabbed Displays


  • Camera Preview Enhancement

  • AV Control Enhancements

  • Meet Now 

Version - 30 Mar, 2017:

New Features

  • Beautiful Transition From Fullscreen to Docked Mode


  • Pexip Enhancements

  • Quickshare Enhancements

  • Settings - More Display Options for Tabbed Mode

Version - 15 Mar, 2017:

New Features

  • Action Catalog -


  • Calendar View

Version - 3 Mar, 2017:


  • Room Reset 

  • Action Tile - Drive Path Enhancements

Version - 23 Feb, 2017:

New Features

  • Display Rules for Scheduled Apps


  • One-Click Action Enhancements

Version - 22 Feb, 2017:

New Features

  • Action Catalog - WebEx Assistant, Amazon Chime Added


  • Room Reset

  • Quickshare Enhancements

  • Camera Manager - Lumens, Logitech BCC950 Added

Version - 8 Feb, 2017:

New Features

  • Action Catalog - Skype4Business Dialer, Microsoft QuickAssist


  • Settings - Import/Export Enhancements

Version - 24 Jan, 2017:

New Features

  • Significant Enhancements to Applications Catalog

  • Significant Enhancements to Display Rule functionality.

  • Dock/Undock available through button in Pinnable mode


  • Installation Wizard

  • Color Picker

Version - 9 Jan, 2017:

New Features

  • Enhancements to room reset; 

  • Ability to Align Action Tile text

  • Identify Screens from Options for Actions


  • Installation Wizard

  • Color Picker

  • Display Rules

  • Camera Control - PTZ Camera

  • Downloading Attachments from meetings

Version 30 Dec, 2016:

New Features

  • Camera Control - Addition of Surface Hub Cameras

  • Direct Access to Design Mode when Password protected


  • Color Picker

  • Action naming

Version - 21 Dec, 2016:

New Features

  • Addition of Microsoft Teams Support

  • Dock/Undock available through button in Pinnable mode


  • Room Reset

  • Application Catalog updates

Version - 13 Dec, 2016:

New Features

  • Ability to add blank action tiles

  • Password entry enhancements


  • Resource Monitors

Version - 30 Nov, 2016:

New Features

  • Enhancements to Themes

  • Addition of PTZ camera to Camera Control

  • Enhancement to Virtual Keyboards


  • Calendar

  • Setup Wizard


Version - 1 Nov, 2016:

New Features

  • 24 Hour clock support


  • Lockdown mode enhancements

  • Application catalog UWP updates


Version - 28 Oct, 2016:


  • Lockdown mode enhancements


Version - 21 Oct, 2016:

New Features

  • Addition of Logitech PTZ camera to Camera Control

  • Reset Room Hot Key <CTRL-ALT-R>

  • Ability to roll back one version


  • Clock updates

  • Theme updates

  • Minor Navigation updates

  • Automatic update on restart disabled


Version - 17 Oct, 2016:

New Features

  • 2014 Classic Mode Deprecation

  • PZTOptiks integration (UE Only)

  • Huddle Cam integration (UE Only)

  • Panacast Camera Enhanced Integration (UE Only)


  • Lockdown Mode Restart Enhancements

  • Screen navigation and Appbar updates

  • Multi-display handling enhancements

  • Updates to Lockdown Mode - W10 Anniversary Updates

Version - 11 Oct, 2016

New Features

  • Quickshare HDMI Input Feature Enhancements

  • Pinnable Mode for Tabletop Console Support Enhancements

  • Application Catalog Expansion

  • Update to Hot Keys


  • Enhancements to Appbar behavior in multi-monitor configurations

  • Support for all day events in calendar

  • Updates to lockdown mode behavior

  • Minor updates to quickshare

  • Multi-monitor display enhancements

  • Camera Control for High Speed Cameras

  • Updates to Lockdown Mode - W10 Anniversary Updates


Version - 27 Sept, 2016:

New Features

  • Addition of Quickshare application to provide video sharing from HDMI and USB video capture devices or cameras.

  • Deprecate Quicklaunch "Classic" display mode

  • PZTOptiks integration

  • Huddle Cam integration


  • Lockdown mode no longer requires windows restart

  • Screen navigation and Appbar updates

  • Multi-display handling enhancements

  • W10 Anniversary Updates - Camera Controls 

Version - 13 Sept, 2016:

New Features

  • Drag and Drop for Action Tiles (to move it between Action Groups)

  • Microsoft Office Sign Out option on Reset Room

  • Pinned option for Full Screen Window

  • Support for Skype Meetings (UE Only)