This FAQ will allow users to install Quicklaunch on their Windows PC User Account if GPO has been set to only allow installation of signed PowerShell Scripts


  1. Updating Quicklaunch
  2. Fresh Quicklaunch Installation

Updating Quicklaunch

If Quicklaunch was installed prior to the GPO requiring signed PowerShell scripts, you must first uninstall Quicklaunch. To do so...

  1. Press the Windows button on your keyboard, or press the Windows icon on the bottom left of your interface
  2. Search Quicklaunch
  3. Choose uninstall
  4. Select Quicklaunch in your control panel
  5. Choose uninstall

After uninstalling Quicklaunch

  • Download the Quicklaunch certificate from - link -
  • Ensure that Iluminari Inc. is the author and press Install Certificate

  • Ensure you are installing on the Local Machine so all accounts are effected

  • You will then want to place the certificate into Trusted Publishers folder

Fresh Quicklaunch Installation

If this is your first time installing Quicklaunch, but GPO has been previously setup you must

  • Download the Quicklaunch certificate from - link -
  • Ensure that Iluminari Inc. is the author and press Install Certificate

  • Ensure you are installing on the Local Machine so all accounts are effected

  • You will then want to place the certificate into Trusted Publishers folder