In the October 31, 2022 production release of Quicklaunch version 4.2.x.x, Zoom OAuth credentials will need to be used instead of the username and password. This FAQ will no longer apply after November 5, 2022 when Zoom deprecates this functionality. If you have upgraded to Quicklaunch version 4.2.x.x this FAQ will no longer apply.
Zoom SSO is for Hosts and does not provide support for cached accounts.
- At this point in time, only Microsoft Azure AD SSO has been verified, however other SSO providers may work.
- Zoom SSO is only supported for joining meetings
- Zoom SSO is only supported with Quicklaunch's Zoom "thick client"
- Zoom SSO is not supported using a browser or the Zoom Desktop Client
- Zoom SSO is not supported for Zoom Meet Now
- Zoom SSO is not supported with joining a meeting Anonymously
In Settings -> Account -> Zoom, enable SSO login and enter your "Zoom Vanity URL" available from your zoom account SSO setup. The Zoom room account is only required if you want to use Zoom Meet Now, or joining as a participant (see next step).
Under Settings-> Calendar -> Meetings -> Zoom,
- Set "Use Thick Client"
- Set the Zoom Join Choice to either:
- "Always Join as Host - SSO", or
- "Prompt Host or Participant".
If you select "Prompt Host or Participant", on meeting join, the users will be prompted to select Host or Participant:
- Host will join with Zoom SSO login
- Participant will join with the room credentials (entered on the account screen)
Room Reset
- Enable "Close Applications",
- Browser Auto Delete and select to clear all IE browser options
- Signout from "Zoom"

Using Zoom SSO
On your calendar, click on your Zoom meeting.
You will then be prompted for your credentials from your SSO provider (in this case Microsoft Azure AD)
You may see the "Zoom Start Meeting Window", please do not respond and wait for your Zoom meeting to be launched: