Reminder: Quicklaunch end-of-life and support date is December 31st, 2024. It will be replaced by our cloud-based solution - Session Manager.

Quicklaunch Zoom integration is using Zoom SDK client, we will make sure to update to the latest available ZOOM SDK client by the end of 2024, however, we can not guarantee it will continue to work reliably after December 31st, 2024 and we will not be able to provide any support or code changes. 

You can verify Zoom SDK version enforcement on the Zoom developers page:

The current ZOOM SDK client build integrated into Quicklaunch is 6.0.11(39999)

There are 2 more setups that you can use for Zoom in Quicklaunch to continue using OneClick join functionality:

1. Zoom Desktop client:

  • Navigate to Calendar->Meetings tab and select Zoom 
  • Enable "Use thick client"
  • Select "Always Join Anonymously" from the dropdown

2. Zoom web client:

  • Navigate to Calendar->Meetings tab and select Zoom 
  • Disable "Use thick client"
  • Select the browser or keep the System Default. Use enhanced features for Edge and Chrome web browsers
  • Delete old display rules
  • Add a new default rule by clicking on the plus sign

Please note the following Zoom features will stop working in Quicklaunch once the Zoom SDK minimum version will reach its EOL date:

  • Account->Zoom SDK Login
  • Calendar->Meet Now tab (Tabbed View)

               No workarounds. Consider replacing it with an Action Tile that starts Zoom desktop client.

  • Calendar->Meetings->Zoom->Join as Host

                No workarounds. Consider changing settings to join "Anonymously" or use a web client.

  • Calendar->Meeting Manager->Zoom

                No workarounds. Will stop working when Zoom SDK reaches its end of support.

  • Actions->Zoom Meet Now Action

                No workarounds. Consider replacing it with an Action Tile that starts Zoom desktop client.