Quicklaunch V4 Download: MSI Installer
1) Introduction
2) Interface
3) Configuration
See Also
Meeting Manager - Skype for Business
Use Quicklaunch with a console - FAQ
1) Introduction
The Quicklaunch Meeting Manager is a User Friendly interface for controlling meetings. Meeting Manager was designed for "Console Use" but could also be used on a Single Screen (for more info see link above)
This guide demonstrates the functionality and UX of the Meeting Manager. Also shown is some generic configuration tips. For a more thorough configuration guide, please see the relevant meeting provider linked in the "See Also" section above.
NOTE: Quicklaunch Version 4 is required to use this feature. See our guide for upgrading from Version 3 to Version 4 here.
NOTE: This feature is only available in Ultimate Edition
2) Interface
Along the bottom of the screen are controls for the User's Camera, Mic, Speakers, and an Option to Exit the Meeting. There are also three tabs at the top of the screen in Tabbed Interface.
Participants - invite, remove, mute, make presenter, view status of participants
Conversation - view the conversation and any attachments uploaded in the conversation
Share - share your desktop, connect a laptop to share, launch an Action Tile to auto share
3) Configuration
a) Meeting Manager Settings Overview
b) Customize Action Tiles
c) Enable Audio/Video
3a) Meeting Manager Settings Overview
NOTE: Not all settings are available for each meeting provider. For a guide specific to the meeting provider, see the relevant guide linked in the "See Also" section above.
Enter Quicklaunch settings by pressing CTRL + Alt + S on your keyboard.
Navigate to Calendar > Meeting Managers
Enable Meeting Manager- If enabled when joining a S4B or Zoom meeting, Meeting Manager will open. If this is not enabled Manager is turned off.
Launch on Meeting Joined - When a meeting is launched and a "Flat" Display is configured, this will launch Meeting Manager in another window. With a "Tabbed" display configured, this will put Quicklaunch into Docked Mode.
Enable Phone Dialing - provide a dialer to add people to the conference call if your conferencing provider supports it
Auto Share in Meeting - When an Action Tile is selected from the "Share" Tab in Meeting Manager, the screen the program is launched on will automatically be shared through your conferencing provider.
Start with Audio - Meeting starts using the computer mic and speakers
Start with Video - Meeting starts with video using the meeting room camera
Custom Received Files Directory - Select where files should be saved. Shown is the default directory for sharing meeting files (see Group Email and Zip Meeting Files for more)
Show On Dockbar - When this option is enabled Display rules will open, and Meeting Manager will open in Dock bar when joining a meeting. If this is disabled Display rules will not appear, But Tabbed settings will appear.
If disabled in Flat mode Meeting Manager will not open.
Tabbed Settings- To enable "Tabbed settings" disable "Show on Dockbar." If in tabbed mode you can select the screen in which you want meeting manager to open in.
Display Rules - *Flat mode only* - Select what screen to send the Meeting Manger to (see Display Rules Overview for more).
NOTE: If a Tabbed display is configured, the Meeting Manager will appear within the Tabbed display by default.
3b) Customize Action Tiles under the Share Group
The Meeting Manager allows for Action Tiles to be placed under the Share Tab. By default there are three options displayed, but any Action Tile can be added to the group. A brief description on how to configureis below, but you can also see our Thorough Guide on Action Tiles.
Enter Settings by Selecting CTRL + ALT + S and Navigate to Actions > Actions and Select "Meeting Manager" from the dropdown menu. Then select the '+' icon near the bottom. Any Action Tile can be added here (see our Guide on Action Tiles for more).
Known Deficiencies
- cannot enter Meeting Manager when receiving a call
- please report any feature requests or errors to <[email protected]>