This guide is intended to help walk you through the steps of installing and deploying Quicklaunch Education Edition.
1 - Prepare PC
A) Prior to Installing Quicklaunch - PC Account Setup
- Create either Local OR Domain Account and configure on the Target Machine
B) Create Exchange Account
C) Setup PC and Operating System with Peripherals
- Camera, Mic, Speakers, USB Capture Card etc
D) Install Collaboration and Other Applications
- Outlook, Office, MS Teams etc.
2 – Install Quicklaunch
- Configuration Wizard
- Add License Key & Contact Information
- Configure Email and Calendar
- Setup Exchange Accounts
3 - Configuring Displays
- Configure Displays
- Configure Display Modes
- Advanced – Configure Display Rules
4 – Design the Quicklaunch Interface
- Custom Theme and Branding
- Add Action Tiles For Launcher and Collaborate
- Tabbed Mode Themes and Logo
5 - Configure Components
- Configure Camera Application
- Configure AV in Tabbed Mode
- Configure HDMI Sharing*
- Configure Wireless*
6– System Settings
- General
- Reset Room
- Policies
- Network
- Monitors
7- Calendar Views
8- Setting Up Meet Now and Other Conference Providers
9 - Additional Features
- Exchange Extend Meetings: FAQ Link
- Enhanced Screen Saver: FAQ Link
- Quickshare: FAQ Link
- Microsoft Whiteboard: FAQ Link
- MS Connect Configuring and Using with Video: FAQ Link
- MS Whiteboard Configuring and Using with Video: FAQ Link
10 – Save Configuration
- Save All Settings
- Save Template
- Importing
1) How to Prepare your PC:
A) Prior to Installing Quicklaunch
- In a corporate environment a “Meeting Room” domain or local account should be set up for the machine and
- IF the meeting room is to be configured in Lockdown Mode there are two options. Either the “Meeting Room" account has local administration rights on the target machine OR Lockdown Manager is installed and configured to support Lockdown Mode with a local User account (this machine MUST be a dedicated Quicklaunch Kiosk - See How to install Quicklaunch to a local User account for more details).
- If Quicklaunch is to be restarted on reboot the Meeting Room account on the target machine will need to be configured to log on automatically; and Auto Start will need to be turned on in Quicklaunch System Settings.
- NOTE: In any case where lockdown mode is being used a secondary Administrative account will be required to get out of Lockdown mode if Quicklaunch becomes corrupt for any reason.
Securing a Shared PC in a meeting room is a function of the network, operating system, file system, applications, accounts, group policies, hardware and physical security. Involving your IT department to address your organizational requirements is essential. Quicklaunch operates in conjunction these components. Quicklaunch provides the ability to configure a subset of group policies as part of the system configuration as an option at the PC level. However, in a corporate environment we recommend these setting are managed at the organization unit level.
Lockdown mode hides the windows shell and replaces it with a Quicklaunch shell which prevents access to the start menu, task bar, task manager, windows keys. It creates scheduled tasks to launch lockdown mode on login and to restart the Quicklaunch application automatically if it is closed.
B) Create Exchange Accounts
- An On Premise OR Office 365 Exchange account for the Meeting room must be acquired and configured. (Note: Exchange 2013 or later must be used for full functionality)
- How to Configure Exchange Account
- Tips and Trick for Your Office 365 Exchange Account (details of account setup required including Powershell snippets)
- IF the meeting room is using Microsoft PSTN functionality then a license must be acquired and the phone number configured.
- Note that it can take several hours for the batch processes on the Microsoft side to assign and enable this so you may have to wait.
B) Setup PC and Operating System with Peripherals
- Any Peripherals; Cameras, Displays, Microphones to be used with Quicklaunch should be connected to the client computer and drivers installed and configured.
C) Install Collaboration and Other Applications
- All productivity and collaboration software that Quicklaunch will be using should be preinstalled
- Outlook client software should be preinstalled and configured on the target machine. The Wizard will use information from the application to make installation easier.
2) How to Install and Configure Quicklaunch
Note - Once you have purchased a license key or ordered a trial a link to the download will appear in your email
Ensure Download site is not blocked by Firewall, Proxies, etc.
Quicklaunch MUST be installed from the conference room account created above.
Follow the MSI Installer Instructions: FAQ
Download link
2a) Setup Wizard: Once installed Quicklaunch will open with the setup wizard 
- Select the language
- Prerequisites: Ensure collaboration applications are installed before running Quicklaunch
- Agreement: Read and Accept to the License Agreement
- Registration: Fill out below with the correct Information
- License: Add you License, Feature Key (If purchased)
- License: Password Protection (Optional) -
- Accounts: Select Calendar Authentication type - EWS or Graph
- System:
- Reset Room: For more info on how to configure Room Reset follow the link - Room Reset
- Complete: Choose what to do after completing the setup wizard
c) Configuring Displays
- Enter settings mode by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner of the quicklaunch application or use (ctrl+alt+s) shortcut
- Select Display, Select - Fullscreen add the display(s) where you want Quicklaunch to run
- Select Docked - Choose what screen quicklaunch docks on and where
- Select 'Save'
- Screen Id – If you have multiple screens, this setting allows you to choose which screen to display Full Screen View. Quicklaunch™ supports up to three (3) screens.
- Layout – EDU only supports Tabbed Layouts
- Layout Tab - Choose if the icon, text, or icon and text are shown for tabs
- Behavior - Dynamic or Fixed
- Visibility - Change what is shown on the Quicklaunch interface
- Behavior - Dynamic or Fixed
- Left Navigation Websites - Choose to show a file or video as a tab (see FAQ)
- Default Virtual Keyboard - Tablet or Full Keyboard
- Virtual Touchpad - Show touchpad and options to adjust sensitivity
- Layer - Choose if Quicklaunch's interface is Always on Top, Normal, or Always on Bottom
- Room Name Location – This is the same option as Room Name Location on the General tab.
- Identify Screens – Shows a large unique number on the center of each connected screen, used to identify and target Quicklaunch™ assets for appearing on a specific screen.
- Show Dockbar - Can only be disabled fullscreen is configured as "fixed"
- Start with Dockbar - Choose if when quicklaunch is started the dockbar is shown or not
- Dock on Screen – If you have multiple screens, this option chooses which screen to display the Dock View on. Quicklaunch™ supports up to six (6) screens.
- AppBar State – Chooses which side of the screen to display the Dock View on.
- Left Latch – Adjusts the position and style of indicator that appears when Dock View is hidden on the left side of the screen. Selecting the indicator will unhide the dock.
- Right Latch – Adjusts the position and style of indicator that appears when Dock View is hidden on the right side of the screen. Selecting the indicator will unhide the dock.
- AutoHide Time Out – If the Dock View is not pinned to the side of the screen, this is the number of milliseconds before it hides itself. By default, this is 2000ms (2 seconds).
- AutoShow Disable Period – To prevent accidentally revealing the Dock View after it has been hidden, you can set the minimum amount of time it must remain hidden before being allowed to reappear. By default, this is 1000ms (1 second).
- Identify Screens – Shows a large unique number on the center of each connected screen, used to identify and target Quicklaunch™ assets for appearing on a specific screen.
- Optional - Configure Quicklaunch for Console Use
- Link - Configure so that user cannot see the Windows Desktop
Display Rules are used as part of Action tiles and Calendar to determine where and how application open. FAQ
4) How to Customize and Design Quicklaunch
1) Menu Tabs
Customizable Options
Custom Logo
2) World Clock - Time and Date
3) In Room Monitoring
4) Virtual Touchpad
5) Virtual Keyboard
6) Reset Room
Add Logo
Enter Settings Mode Ctrl-Alt-S
1) Select Display Tab
2) Select Fullscreen Tab
3) Select Show Logo
4) Select Theme settings group
6) Select Header Logo
7) Browse for Logo and select
- Creating Action Tiles FAQ with video
5) Configure Components
Configure Camera Application (Requires Supported Camera)
- Click on the Camera Action Tile
- Click on the 'Gear Icon'
- Choose the Supported Camera from the Device List
- Select Close
- Configure AV Settings
In the Tabbed Interface Select the AV Tab from the Right Panel (not default)
- Choose the Camera from the Drop Down Menu (requires Supported Camera)
- Choose Speakers from the Drop Down Menu
- Choose Microphone from the Drop Down Menu
- Configure HDMI Sharing
Learn to setup HDMI Share here
- Configure Wireless Sharing
Configure Action Catalog - Microsoft Connect is installed as part of the default configuration
6) System Settings
Reset Room: For More Information follow the LINK
Network: For More Information follow the LINK
System Monitors:
- Options: Extra options are shown in the Settings tab > Far right
7) Calendar View
To view the calendar options select the tab on the bottom right corner of the meeting provider icon Calendar options (not default) : Here you can send invite to a participant, View the details of the meeting and send a group email to all the participants.
View Details:
Setup Calendar Options under Settings > Calendar > General
8) How to setup Meet Now, MS Teams and other Conferencing Providers
For more information on Meet Now and MS Teams follow the Link
If you own meeting software like Microsoft Teams it is recommended that you install the desktop app. For others that you do not own we recommend joining via the web browser.
For more information on other Conferencing Provider FAQs
9) Setting Up Additional Features
- Exchange Extend Meetings: FAQ Link
- Microsoft Whiteboard: FAQ Link
- MS Connect Configuring and Using with Video: FAQ Link
- MS Whiteboard Configuring and Using with Video: FAQ Link
- Turn On Automatically Show Touch Keyboard when No Keyboard Attached in Windows 10 FAQ Link
- How to Hide a Group: FAQ Link
- APPS View: FAQ Link
- Using Barco Clickshare with Quicklaunch FAQ
- Using HDMI Share 4 For Wired HDMI Sharing FAQ
- Website Action Tile Enhanced Experience and Secure Browser - FAQ Link
- Microsoft Teams Setup Guide FAQ Link
- Room Reset - Reset meeting timer and end meeting FAQ Link
10) How to Import/Export Template:
For more information on Importing/Exporting follow the Link
Create a Template:
Select Export (bottom right corner)
Backup all settings: Will export as a QLS file
Create Room Template: Will export as a QLT file
Export Generic Template: Will export as a QLT file
To import select the Import button
File explorer will open
Choose the file you would like to import